AssetWise CONNECT Edition Help

To Edit Weight Restrictions

User accounts with the proper AssetWise permission, may edit weight restrictions for an asset.

Follow these steps to edit the weight restrictions for an asset.

  1. Open the asset for which you want to edit its weight restriction, and then select the Load tab.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Apply Weight Restriction.
    The Set Effective Load Management by Weight Restriction dialog appears. For example,
  3. Select each Location that you want to edit, from the list.
  4. In the Select Properties to Apply area, select each Proposed Value that you want to change. For example,
  5. When you are finished, click Save Changes ( ).
  6. The new ALL value is compared to the current ALL value, for each effective load record, and applied, only if it is lower. For example,
The revised weight restrictions are saved to the asset.